Best books on the political economy of the environment
Recommendations from Econ4’s James K. Boyce:

Read about them here: Shepherd’s Best Books.
Time for some good news:
On a warm late winter morning, Antonio Lancellotta, a 35-year-old farmer, shows me around one of his family’s unorthodox 1.8-acre (7,280 square metre) greenhouse in Scalea, southern Italy. Rows of lush citron trees (Citrus medica), heavy with white flowers fill the space. Yet, above the trees, at about 12.5ft (3.8m) above the ground, alternating lines of transparent plastic sheets and photovoltaic panels roofed the field. The Lancellotta family was one of the first in Italy to experiment with “agrivoltaics”, where crops are grown underneath solar panels.
“Look at the quality of this citron,” Lancellotta says, holding a large heart-shaped yellow fruit. “Perfect.”
Read more here.
Land for whom?
Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement has an answer:
They arrived just before midnight, carrying machetes and hoes, hammers and sickles, with plans to seize the land.
When the 200 activists and farm workers got there, the ranch was vacant, overgrown with weeds, and the farm headquarters empty, except for a stray cow.
Now, three months later, it is a bustling village. On a recent Sunday, children rode bicycles on new dirt paths, women tilled soil for gardens and men pulled tarps onto shelters. About 530 families live at the encampment in Itabela, a town in northeast Brazil, and they have already joined together to plow and plant the field with beans, corn and cassava.
Read more here.
Debunking the case for fossil-fueled development
An excellent new myth-buster from Drilled:
The reality is that addressing poverty and the climate crisis don’t have to be
mutually exclusive, and the climate movement in particular needs to stop
believing that they are.
Source: S8 Discussion Guide: Debunking the “Moral Case” for Fossil Fuels.
Fighting inflation, or workers?
For the Fed, “balance” in the labor market means maintaining the imbalance of power:
Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Fed, has made one thing crystal clear: He is not going to let up on his war on inflation. American workers are the inevitable casualty.
“Demand for workers far exceeds the supply of available workers, and nominal wages have been growing at a pace well above what would be consistent with 2 percent inflation over time,” Mr. Powell said in a speech late last year. For that reason, the Fed wants to see “the restoration of balance between supply and demand in the labor market” before it stops fighting inflation. In layman’s terms, that means a restoration of the power imbalance in favor of employers over their workers.
On March 7, Mr. Powell sounded a similar note, declaring that in order to get inflation down to where he thinks it should be, “there will very likely be some softening in labor market conditions.” There’s nothing soft about what he means: less demand for American employees, which leads to fewer raises and more people out of work.
Read more here. Meanwhile, in Europe it is dawning on the central bankers that something else is going on: see here.
More on the SVB collapse
Econ4’s Gerald Epstein interviewed on the latest financial crisis:
There are five main causes of the SVB collapse and the subsequent knock-on problems facing the U.S. and global financial system: the Federal Reserve’s anti-inflation obsession causing it to raise interest rates too high and too fast; the inherent fragility of banking, which for centuries has periodically erupted in crises; inadequate regulation of this fragile system, which often leads to high profits that accrue to banks and their wealthy owners; the corruption and self-dealing that often result from banks’ insufficient supervision; and the lack of public alternatives for financial institutions and services that could perform many of the key functions of banking and finance with less risk and without the private financiers taking their cut. Some of the huge profits financiers make from this system are funneled to buy support from politicians to prevent adequate regulation, and to secure bailouts when the system crashes.
Read more here.
Another piece of the carbon puzzle
Who can get involved in “investor activism”? You may be surprised:
Source: Gregor Semieniuk at TedX Boston, January 2023,
They’re playing their favorite game again, privatizing profits and socializing losses – heads the bankers win, tails the public loses:
While the regional banks that are now struggling are not large enough to face the most intense level of regulatory scrutiny, they were deemed important enough to the financial system to warrant an aggressive government intervention.
“At the end of the day, what has been shown is that the explicit guarantee extended to the globally systemic banks is now extended to everyone,” said Renita Marcellin, legislative and advocacy director at Americans for Financial Reform. “We have this implicit guarantee for everyone, but not the rules and regulations that should be paired with these guarantees.”
Read more here.
Mega-disastrous mega-farms
In American agriculture, as elsewhere, the plunder of man goes hand-in-hand with the plunder of nature. Two new books make the link between environmentally ruinous mega-farms and the ruination of small and medium farmers. To set the scene:
We are eating a big hole in the middle of the Midwest and sucking up California’s ancient aquifers until the land collapses like an empty juice box. The awe that new arrivals from other countries feel when they see the bounty in a US supermarket is an illusion—more like what one might experience when stepping from a cold night into a nice, warm house where they’re burning the furniture. In short, we are plundering the natural sources of our food production and can’t go on this way.
Read more here.
Naming the problem: Global oligarchy
Bernie nails it:
“One of the points that I wanted to make is yeah, of course the oligarchs run Russia. But guess what? Oligarchs run the United States as well. And it’s not just the United States, it’s not just Russia; Europe, the UK, all over the world, we’re seeing a small number of incredibly wealthy people running things in their favour. A global oligarchy. This is an issue that needs to be talked about.”
Read his Guardian interview here.