Feb 19, 2015

Rising student demand for new economics

From the Economist:

“I DON’T care who writes a nation’s laws, or crafts its advanced treatises, if I can write its economics textbooks.” So said Paul Samuelson, an American economist who more than achieved his aim by producing a bestseller. But debate swirls around the teaching of the dismal science—nowhere more so than in Britain.

Read more here.

Feb 15, 2015

A glimpse of the future economy

From the E3 Network’s Future Economy Initiative:

Source: http://www.futureecon.org/

Feb 2, 2015

Diminishing Marginal Utility

Or: Is a Dollar Worth More to a Billionaire or a Secretary?

Here’s a first example of Econ4’s instructional economics videos. More to follow if and when funding permits. Please stay tuned!

Jan 18, 2015


A portal for people seeking information and analysis on economic inequality in the United States, with lots of data, news items and links:


Jan 7, 2015

CEO Payday

The numbers tell the story (source: Economic Policy Institute).


Dec 27, 2014

Staying awake during the climate revolution

Rebecca Solnit writes in the Guardian:

Dismantling the fossil-fuel economy would undoubtedly have the side effect of breaking some of the warping power that oil has had in global and national politics. Of course, those wielding that power will not yield it without a ferocious battle – the very battle the climate movement is already engaged in on many fronts…

Read more here.

Dec 27, 2014

Facing climate adaptation

Econ4’s James Boyce writes in the Los Angeles Times:

In the years ahead, climate change will confront the world with hard choices: whether to protect as many dollars as possible, or to protect as many people as we can.


Read more here.

Dec 15, 2014

Let them eat toxic waste?

A video made by UMass-Amherst students compares wealth-based to rights-based principles for allocating environmental quality:

Dec 2, 2014

Global wealth: who has how much?

The latest edition of the 2014 Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse sheds light on the distribution of assets worldwide:

Source: http://savvyroo.com/chart-1365549786238-our-unequal-globes-billions-and-trillions

Read more here.

Nov 21, 2014

Inequality of opportunity

Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz writes:

A rich country with millions of poor people. A country that prides itself on being the land of opportunity, but in which a child’s prospects are more dependent on the income and education of his or her parents than in other advanced countries. A country that believes in fair play, but in which the richest often pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than those less well off. A country in which children every day pledge allegiance to the flag, asserting that there is “justice for all,” but in which, increasingly, there is only justice for those who can afford it. These are the contradictions that the United States is gradually and painfully struggling to come to terms with as it begins to comprehend the enormity of the inequalities that mark its society.

Read more here.
