Dec 3, 2011

Economics 4 People, the Planet, and the Future

From James Boyce’s post on the TripleCrisis blog:

Our current economic crisis is not only a crisis of the economy. It is also a crisis of economics. The free-market fundamentalism of the closing decades of the 20th century today has been thoroughly discredited – or at least, should have been – by financial collapse, swelling inequality, global imbalances, mass unemployment, and environmental degradation.

Read the rest of the article here.

Nov 30, 2011

Wanted: Worldly Philosophers

Economists should see the big picture – and ask the big questions. But in a recent oped piece, Roger Backhouse and Bradley Bateman argue that the profession has been so preoccupied with the trees that it lost sight of the forest:

It’s become commonplace to criticize the ‘Occupy’ movement for failing to offer an alternative vision. But the thousands of activists in the streets of New York and London aren’t the only ones lacking perspective: economists, to whom we might expect to turn for such vision, have long since given up thinking in terms of economic systems — and we are all the worse for it.

Read their piece here.

Nov 30, 2011

Authority Figures

From Jody, November 25, 2011:

I love your website. Thanks so much for making this possible. One small comment is it that I think it would help your argument to include the titles for the individuals involved. You are building an argument that will benefit from either ‘Dr.’ at the front or ‘PhD’ at the end.

Econ4 replies:

Thanks, Jody. You’ve put your finger on a dilemma. It’s important for those of us with PhD’s in economics to make use of our authority to affirm that another economics is possible. But we don’t want to imply in any way, shape or form that economics is only for the credentialed. So we take the untitled road.

Nov 29, 2011

Nancy Folbre: Occupy Economics

From Nancy Folbre’s NYT Economix post, Occupy Economics:

The Occupy Wall Street movement, displaced from some key geographic locations, now enjoys a small but significant encampment among economists.

Concerns about the impact of growing economic inequality fit neatly into a larger critique of mainstream economic theory and its deep faith in the efficiency of markets.

Read the rest of the article here.

Nov 21, 2011

We are the 99%

Animation on U.S. income distribution from The Guardian.


Nov 15, 2011

If U.S. land were divided like U.S. wealth









Nov 14, 2011

We are the Many

A ballad for the Occupy movement and for our times.

by  – Nov 10, 2011

Nov 11, 2011

Introducing Economics

A compendium of useful resources for high school economics teachers.

Oct 23, 2011

Nuclear Explosions Since 1945

A powerful visualization of the nuclear war on mother Earth.

by  on Oct 24, 2010