Rethinking the economic role of the state
Mariana Mazzucato offers a counterpoint to market fundamentalism: the state is the “investor of first resort,” whose key role in the innovation ought to be recognized and rewarded.
Innovation for the future economy: solar roadways
A century ago, cities were “drowning in horse manure.” Today we are drowning in fossil fuel emissions. It’s time for the transportation revolution of the 21st century. Maybe this will be part of it:
Greed today, gone tomorrow
Lynn Parramore, writing for Alternet, explains why investment in innovation has declined in America:
There’s a motto on Wall Street: “I.B.G.-Y.B.G.” or “I’ll Be Gone, You’ll Be Gone.” As long as you’re making money right now, what happens tomorrow is not your problem.
It’s everyone else’s problem. Witness the decline in the number and quality of jobs, the middle class evaporating, and the financial instability that brought about the Great Recession.
Read more here.