Feb 19, 2023


A 2021 memorandum by staff of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform investigated lobbying activities by the fossil fuel industry. Here’s what it reported:

In recent years, four major oil companies operating in the United States—ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, and BP—have claimed that action on climate change is a top public policy and investment priority. All four companies have publicly asserted that they support the Paris Agreement and carbon pricing—two key policies to address climate change. However, an analysis of lobbying data indicates this public support has not been matched by meaningful action to advance these policy results. Instead, the companies appear to be using their praise of the Paris Agreement and carbon pricing to bolster their own public image while they continue to produce billions of barrels of fossil fuel and invest in new oil and gas extraction—actions that are making the climate crisis worse.

Read it here or below.